Explaining “Bashing The Religious” To Those Who Still Don’t Get It

Bryan Mullins The Fox
2 min readSep 29, 2023

Between February 25th and March 13th 2019, I ran a short-lived mini-series that consists of four videos:

  1. The Ten Commandments Are Complete Bullshit (February 25th 2019).
  2. Islam Vs. Christianity (Both Are Bad), and Proving The Roast Game Death Toll (March 3rd 2019).
  3. Is There Any Religion That Is Against Rape At All?
  4. Short Recap/Conclusion

Let’s explain the first one, shall we? I proved that these “10 commandments” are complete bullshit and never written in stone (I also get the irony). I had a blast back then and it released a day after I went to that mobile home in New Lexington, Ohio (February 24th 2019). At that point, The Roast Game Triathlon Drama (August 13th 2018 — February 28th 2019) was basically dead 3 days later.

Let’s explain the second one, shall we? This one took a whole lot of research for me to partake in, to have this video be a thing. I introduced both examples of the extremes of Islam (ISIS) and Christianity (Christmas/The Roast Game in America alone). Proving once and for all that Christianity is far deadlier than Islam (whilst taking a joking jab at Fox News). Then, I went into the meat and potatoes of that video. Setting the stage for what will then be a statistical overview of proof that The Roast Game Death Toll (again in America alone, 18,568,322 children) adds up. And at the end (just like I did earlier in the video), stated and made clear that Christianity may be deadlier than Islam…but nowhere near as deadly as Communism. Which makes sense even when I eventually accounted for Canada (86,063,825 children or The Canadian Roast Game Death Toll) as well later on.

Let’s continue this article by explaining the third one, shall we? The third one is basically me going through bashing all the major religions, while facetiously calling Atheism a “religion” even though I believe that Atheism is not and never will be a religion. This one proves that not a single religion is or was against Rape at all. Going off a piss-take of a rant near the end.

And finally, let’s finish this article off by explaining the fourth and final one, shall we? The final one is just me recapping the entire mini-series as a whole. Basically just ending the mini-series itself just like that.

Thanks for reading this article, I hope that this video, along with this explanation helps you on your way out.

I’m Bryan Mullins The Fox, signing out!



Bryan Mullins The Fox

A furry on the internet who has built a name for himself by any means necessary.