How And Why Child Population Changes Became A Decisive Factor To Prove That The Roast Game Happened!

Bryan Mullins The Fox
2 min readFeb 16, 2024

I just did a whole lot of research and backing up my claim that The Roast Game happened. I will explain it all to you.

Back on February 14th 2024, I made a video called “The Roast Game: Population Bottleneck Theory.” I began research on that video on February 13th and completed making the video that very night. It demonstrates that either:

  1. We’d save more or less lives than were taken away due to The Roast Game (America hypothetically saving more and Canada saving less), despite all the other causes of death that are combined with The Roast Game yearly death toll, during that very era (1998–2016).
  2. The Roast Game happened exactly as measured statistically and mathematically (for both countries). Proving that The Roast Game itself as a past phenomenon, caused exactly the population bottleneck it did (as accurately measured).

Here’s the video:

I further proved my point and made an even better video, but as the first part of a series known as “If The Roast Game Never Happened At All.”

Here’s the video:

Meaning that after I’ve done all that research and came to the right conclusion…I easily discarded the numbers that were higher and lower than the yearly Roast Game death toll for both countries respectively out of statistical and logical principle.

And that is how and why Child Population Differences became a brand new sole factor to objectively determine that The Roast Game happened once and for all. Thanks for reading, ladies and gentlemen!

I’m Bryan Mullins The Fox, signing out!



Bryan Mullins The Fox

A furry on the internet who has built a name for himself by any means necessary.